Monday, January 18, 2010


Date: 1/13/10
Location: Venice, Fl
Conditions: clear
Time: 8:15-8:45
Mars: about 10 degrees ENE, very red
Jupiter: not visible
Sirius: about 25 degrees high in the S, blue, extremely bright
Procyon: about 25 degrees high in the East, no bright stars surrounding it
Castor and Pollux: about 35 degrees high ENE
Capella: about 60 degrees NNE
Algol: 80 degrees N
Orion: SE, about 45 degrees high, all main stars visible except those of the sword
Aldebaran: about 70 degrees ESE
Great Square of Pegasus: 45 degrees high in the West, very bright, used as guide to find andromeda galaxy at about 50 degrees WNW
Cassiopeia: could see the M of the constellation, a few other stars of the constellation at about 50 degrees NNW
Pleiades: about 80 degrees ESE, very blue and bright
Deneb: about 10 degrees NW, no other stars of summer triangle or northern cross visible Polaris: North, about 30 degrees, could see bottom stars of little dipper at about 10 degrees N

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