Time: 8:25-8:55
Location: Venice, Fl
Conditions: partly cloudy
Instruments: Celestron 10 X 50 binoculars
Moon: has not risen yet
Orion: about 25-30 degrees high in the SE, can see Betelgeuse, Rigel, Bellatrix, Saiph, three stars of the belt, and the sword. When using binoculars, the Great Orion Nebula could easily be seen. Orion was surrounded by lots of stars that were visible with the binoculars, but not the naked eye.
Sirius: about 12.5 degrees high in the South East, brightest star that can be seen, appears blue, was twinkling a lot.
Procyon: about 12.5 degrees high in the East.
Gemini: Pollux and Castor very easy to see, the other stars of the constellation were difficult to see. Pollux- 15 degrees high in East. Castor: 17.5 degrees high in the East.
Cassiopeia: WorM asterism high overhead in the North
Polaris: about 27 degrees in the North
Deneb: about 17.5 degrees in North West
Deneb: about 17.5 degrees in North West
Square of Pegasus: in the West, spans from 20-30 degrees high
Pleiades: very blue and bright, almost straight up, in the East.
Mars: about 6 degrees high in the East, very red
Algol: straight overhead in the constellation Perseus, the hero.
looked for Mira high in the SSW, but it was not found
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