location: Venice, Fl
Time: 8:30-9:00
conditions: cloudy, bright stars still visible
Jupiter: not visible
Mars: about 5 degrees in the ENE
Orion: 30 degrees high ESE, Rigel, Betelgeuse easiest to say, other stars still visible, but were hard to see because of clouds.
Sirius: about 20 degrees in the SE
Aldebaran: about 70 degrees ESE
Pleiades: about 80 degrees ESE
Capella: about 55 degrees in the NE
Algol: about 75 degrees high in the N
3 0f the 5 stars of the M from Cassiopeia visible
Great square of Pegasus in the West, ranges from 30-50 degrees high
Fomalhaut: about 8 degrees high in the SW
Mira: visible in the SSW about 55 degrees high
Procyon: 25 degrees high in the E