Location: Venice, Fl
Time: 8:15-8:45
Conditions: clear
Mars: very low, ENE, about 3 degrees high ENE
Castor and Pollux: about 30 degrees high ENE, very bright, Pollux twinkling a lot, more than Castor
Procyon: 20 degrees high in the E
Orion: about 35 degrees high in the ESE, stars of belt very bright, Orion's sword very clear, Betelgeuse and Rigel both bright
Sirius: ESE, 20 degrees high, very blue, twinkling a lot
Aldebaran: about 65 degrees high ESE
Pleiades: about 75 degrees high ESE, appear very blue
Jupiter: about 8 degrees high WSW
Fomalhaut: about 10 degrees high in the SW, hard to see due to high trees in the SW
Great Square of Pegasus: about 30 degrees high in the west, all four stars very bright
Deneb: about 15 degrees high in the NW, can not see the other stars of the northern cross because they are too low and there are houses/ trees in the way
Polaris: about 25 degrees high in the N, can see two bottom stars of the Little Dipper almost directly below
Capella: about 55 degrees high in the NE
Algol: about 75 degrees high in the N
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