Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Date: 12/1/09
Time: 8:35-8:50
Conditions: Clear everywhere except in the East, which had cloud cover low, near the horizon. Not many objects visible because it was slightly hazy.
Moon: Full, about 30 degrees high in the East. Could see a small halo when clouds passed in front of the moon.
Jupiter: very bright with a haze in front of it. About 17 degrees high.
Capella: About 12.5 degrees of angular separation from the moon, located in the Northeast.
Fomalhaut: in the constellation Pisces Austrinus in the SSW, dim compared to normal.
Andromeda high overhead
Cassiopeia: high over head, slightly oriented to the North. Could not see all the stars of the WorM asterism.

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