Friday, December 4, 2009

APOD 2.4 Bright Sun and Crescent Earth from the Space Station

This stunning view of the Earth and the Sun was taken from the International Space Station during its rendezvous with the Space Shuttle Atlantis. Atlantis was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida on November 16th, and returned home on November 27th. The point of the mission was mainly to send spare parts, to repair, and to build upon the ISS. The mission, STS-129, lasted 10 days. As the International Space Station and the shuttle separated for Atlantis' trek home, they were visible streaking across the sky multiple nights in a row. In the image, the Sun is very bright, and a small crescent of Earth is visible that is still in the sun's light. This crescent is a result of the ISS' orbit around the Earth. A long solar panel extends from the ISS and collects the light from the sun in order to keep the space station functioning. This image captures the beauty of the Earth that many people forget about when they go through their life.

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