Saturday, March 6, 2010

Astronomy Night

Date: 3/6/2010
Time: 6:40-9:25
Location: Pine View School
Sky Conditions: exceptionally clear, very dark
Helped to operate three different telescopes:
1. Operated a telescope directed towards M42. I explained that M42 is located in Orion in Orion's sword and is called the Orion Nebula. I explained how the three bright stars visible are called the Trapezium and provide the energy needed to excite the atoms in the gas cloud surrounding the stars, and that this excitation allows you to see the nebulosity.
2. I helped run the telescope pointed at Saturn. You could easily see the planet and its beautiful rings, and I informed people that you could also see two of Saturn's moons.
3. I also ran the telescope pointed at the binary pair of Rigel. I explained how the brighter star and the less luminous white dwarf are locked in orbit around each other but that the white dwarf is much smaller, so the light it gives off is much harder to see in comparison to that given off by Rigel. I also told people where the white dwarf was located (lower right of Rigel) in case they could not find it.
Also helped setup a few telescopes

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