Friday, October 23, 2009

Apod 1.8 Moon and planets in the Morning

This image wonderfully captures the positions of three planets, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury, and the moon. The three planets have been able to be seen in the eastern region of the sky for the last week or two. This picture, captured in Germany, shows how close to the horizon all four objects, especially Mercury, are. Mercury and Venus have been moving progressively towards the horizon. Saturn has been rising higher and higher into the morning sky. When the three planets were first in the same region, Saturn started out as the lowest, but it has now risen enough to become the highest in the morning sky. The two other visible planets from Earth, Jupiter and Mars, are visible at night. Soon, Mercury will be too low to see. The conjunction between these three planets and the moon is soon to end, but it has been awe-inspiring up until this point.

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